We’re tired of the fight

Tanner DiBella
5 min readAug 21, 2021


The political climate is almost palpable, choking out even the most committed, passionate, and resolved of us. People are battle-weary and exhausted.

The last 18 months have been a constant fray. Whether it be the pandemic, racial upheaval, government overreach, the shutdown of Churches and businesses, education reform, or ludicrous legislation — it seems that the array of fronts for faith-filled parents, pastors, and community members is never-ending.

The reality at hand is that these conflicts are not going anywhere. The pressure will continue to mount, and evil will do what it has always done: attempt to take more ground. So, in a battle that will be hard-fought until the last chapter in the Book of Revelation, what do we do?

Make sure you’re fighting for the sake of righteousness, not for political loyalty

Many say politics does not belong in the House of God, and I would argue they are misguided (and let’s be honest, that argument is only made when “political” statements are made that those same individuals disagree with).

Acts 20:27 is clear: we must preach the whole counsel of God. Paul, in his farewell address to the Ephesian church, said “…I am innocent of the blood of all, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God.”

Despite the opposition Paul faced in Ephesus, he continued to share the good news in its entirety. He did not shrink back from his duty but proclaimed the whole counsel of God. If you want to be innocent in the eyes of the Almighty, preach the entire Gospel, not just the areas that you feel comfortable with.

In that pursuit, it can be easy to morph so much so into the political fray, that you lose sight of why you’re doing it in the first place. Jeremiah tells us to “seek the welfare of the city” that we are in. The word Welfare in this context can be translated to seeking the peace, deliverance, and salvation of your community.

Every belief, every behavior, every thought, and every word that is engaged in this fight must be put up against what Scripture says.

I think you would be shocked to see how much of our own beliefs are rooted in personal, political, and social frameworks — with little Scriptural foundations to it. Our allegiance is to no government, political doctrine, or social movement — it is to the Lord of the Bible.

If you’re in the fight, you better make sure you’re aim is for the peace, deliverance, and salvation of America.

Surround yourself with people who will support you and fight alongside you

In Exodus 17, the Israelites were facing a formidable enemy: the Amalekites.

When the battle began, Moses, Aaron, and Hur went to the top of the hill overlooking the battlefield, and Moses held up his staff. As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.

Exodus 17:12–13 tells us that “When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up — one on one side, one on the other — so that his hands remained steady till sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword.”

What powerful imagery. Sometimes, we need an Aaron and Hur beside us, to hold up our hands during the battle as we are obeying the Lord. Sometimes, we need a Moses, who is doing the heavy lifting, and we need to be beside him/her to lift them up when they grow weak.

Do your research and do not engage in half-truths or conspiracy theories

Having concerns are valid, and should be explored. Posting, preaching, and sharing things that are half-truths or flat-out lies will not help you or the reputation of the Church.

Scripture tells us that “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who act faithfully are his delight.”

David penned the Psalm that said, “Lead me in your truth and teach me…” The only truth we have for certain is the Word. When your eyes scan something questionable, here are some tips:

  1. Compare all content you see through the lens of Scripture.
  2. When you see something on social media that alarms you, research it for 24 hours before your share it. 8/10 times, it’s either spam, old, or fake.
  3. Consult others when you come across information that alarms you. Ask questions. Look for answers.
  4. If you do share something false or half-truth, be humble enough to say you made a mistake.

As Christians, we have to do better at this. It is never the loudest or most popular who are given seats at the table of influence — it is the wisest.

George Washington famously said, “A reputation once broken may be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was.”

Do not give the World room to see a spot.

Even in confrontation and controversy, remember you are representing Jesus Christ

A few weeks ago, I attended a local school board meeting. The trustees were discussing things like Ethnic Studies classes, mask mandates, and other topics that are, naturally, contested and controversial.

I witnessed Godly men and women get up to the pulpit, and use language that no faith-filled person should be using, especially to leadership. I saw people booing community members who had a different opinion. I watched as individuals would throw pens and pencils at other people and curse at them.

You have every right to be angry, but just like Ephesians tells us, do not let your anger turn into sin. You can be stern, you can be loud, you can be confrontational — but you are still representing the Divine in those engagements.

Do not sin out of anger. The Word of God doesn’t justify it, and you will never be justified in that endeavor.

We have a long road ahead, Church. This will be a fight to the end of ages. Prepare yourselves — we are living our Biblical prophesy. But, also be encouraged. Do not grow weary in doing good. You have been called, equipped, and built for this moment.

As the world grows darker, don’t let your light dim for a second. We’re on our road to glory, and we’re taking as many people as we can grab.



Tanner DiBella

Chairman of the American Council, Tanner DiBella intersects faith, politics, and culture in his writings on some of today’s most pressing topics.