Statement about the Rocklin School Board Candidate, Jen Brookover
by Tanner DiBella, President of the American Council

Ah, the smell of election season is in the air. Lawn signs, billboard ads, mailers, and social media posts are bountiful — and the future of our community hangs in the balance.
I find myself engrossed in races across Placer County and California, none more important (or concerning) than the Rocklin Unified School Board Race.
The Rocklin Unified School District is one of the most sought-after schools in California. When families move to Rocklin, the quality of schools is almost always the reason. The education is top-notch, the culture is first-class, and the teachers are first-rate.
But, November 8th could change that.
About Jen Brookover
There are six candidates running for three seats on the school board — all with very different visions and priorities. As I have continued to monitor and engage this race — an alarming series of vitriol and slander have been made by Jen Brookover.
A candidate who has sold a campaign on the ideas of equity, inclusion, and tolerance (it does sound really nice on a billboard or mailer though, right?) doesn’t seem very inclusive or tolerant to parents, clergy, or opposing viewpoints.
This article doesn’t address Jen’s character, which I assume to be good. I’m sure Jen is a wonderful mother, neighbor, and member of the community — that’s not what this article addresses. No, this article is about her candidacy and policies — which I believe to be deeply flawed.
Jen Brookover is hostile to religious communities and family values.
The progressive candidate has continually attacked houses of worship and verbally assaults School Board Trustees, while claiming to be the savior of civility and human kindness.
Most of Jen’s campaign, however, has been centered around attacking the Church that Trustee Tiffany Saathoff attends. Brookover mocks Trustee Saathoff for leading with a Bible and U.S. Constitution. Who knew God and country could be so vilified?
Jen herself says she is a woman of God, attending the Loomis Basin Congregational United Church of Christ. It’s pastor and congregants host drag shows, social justice programs, and equity inclusion ministries. While Jen slaughters Destiny Church and Tiffany Saathoff for being “Political”, her own church promotes a hyper-political, sexual, social agenda.
Jen preaches acceptance, but seems to be vehemently opposed to people of faith having a voice in the community.
A Campaign of Gaslighting, Politics, & Hypocrisy
On Friday, October 7th — Brookover took to Facebook to post about her campaign:
What is the role of a school board trustee? Is it to engage in politics? Or is it to improve academic outcomes for our students? Unfortunately, some on our current board are engaged in frivolous lawsuits over masks and, worse, have allowed our board meetings to become a safe haven for threatening rhetoric by political organizations and hate groups. Leaders must do better. I am committed to returning civility and sense to our school board.
Why are things that she disagrees with labeled “political”, but her stances on governance are not? Being a voice for parents is political, but promoting a hyper-sexualized school experience isn’t?
Jen claims that she will listen to everyone, but is she going listen to those that disagree with her? Brookover has built a campaign vilifying them, attacking them, and degrading them.
She says that she wants civility back, but I don’t see any of the other School Board Candidate’s posting content that attacks other members of the community. I don’t see other school board candidates urging supporters on social media to troll other accounts. That’s civility?
I think a philosophy of acceptance, understanding, and kindness is admirable, and one that we all should work towards, but those words mean nothing if they are not put into practice.
Jen Brookover believes the ultimate decision-maker is the state, not parents.
Jen also believes that parents can ask questions, but are not the ultimate decision makes — the state is.
“If you have concerns and questions as a parent, you’re allowed to ask. But we’re a public school with public funding from the state of California.” — Sac Bee Interview
This school board candidate doesn’t understand where public funding comes from. Parents are the major stakeholders in schools.
Brookover has also employed a task force of outspoken moms to harass opponents’ social media accounts and local religious groups. Many of them have called me the #RocklinTaliban because I believe in moral values. Values like helping the poor and destitute; for promoting God’s design for human sexuality, marriage, and life.
Jen is connected to local groups like “In Their Own Words” and “Parents of Social Consciousness” — two organizations that target religious and conservative candidates, leaders, and parents in the community.
Brookover signed the Code of Fair Campaign Practices, where she agreed to not exercise prejudice against another candidates’ religious creed. That, unfortunately, has been broken.
Jen is endorsed by Placer Women Democrats, Mid-Placer Democrats, and the Catalyst Democrats Club. No city leaders have endorsed Brookover.
Rocklin Unified has enjoyed years of success, civility, and excellence. I am deeply concerned about Jen Brookover — who has built a campaign on gaslighting religious communities and preaching tolerance while hating those who share divergent values. For a candidate who claim to hate politics in the classroom and boardroom — she sure loves to teach it.
There are three candidates who deserve our vote: Tiffany Saathoff, Dereck Counter, and Kari Hamilton. These qualified candidates are pro-parent, pro-student, pro-teacher leaders who have a long history of servant leadership and student advocacy.
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