Governor Newsom Is a Threat to Biblical Authority, Morality, & Decency

Tanner DiBella
4 min readSep 28, 2022


Back in December of 2019, the Trump Administration created work requirements for food stamps in an effort to get those economically disadvantaged back into the workforce.

One of Trump’s harshest critics, California Governor Newsom, tweeted Matthew 25:35 on December 4th in response:

The Governor manipulated the end of verse 35 to read “I was a stranger and you invited me in — once I was employed.”

Over the course of Newsom’s tenure as Governor, he has continually made a mockery of Biblical morality and attempted to weaponize religious law against people of faith and conviction.

As Newsom makes a bid for re-election in the November general election, California Christians are reminded of the office’s disdain for people of faith, Biblical morality, and human decency.

At the start of the pandemic, Newsom was quick to shut down churches and houses of worship across the state — citing that gathering to worship was too “dangerous” during the COVID-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, nonessential businesses were allowed to continue operating, including Newsom’s own valley winery.

In May of 2020, the U.S. Department of Justice sent a letter to the California Governor finding that he showed discrimination against religious communities in his state.

“California has not shown why interaction in offices and studios of the entertainment industry, and in-person operations to facilitate nonessential e-commerce, are included on the list as being allowed with social distancing where telework is not practical,” the letter said, “while gatherings with social distancing of religious worship are forbidden, regardless of whether remote worship is practical or not.”

In July of 2020, just four months after the start of the pandemic, Pasadena-based Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry filed a lawsuit against Newsom for banning all indoor worship, including home Bible studies, singing, and worship.

“Governor Gavin Newsom cannot disregard the First Amendment and ban all in-person worship in private homes and churches,” said Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver. “Nor can the state micromanage the form of worship by banning singing or chanting. The governor is not the High Priest over all religions.”

Newsom’s handling of the pandemic and discrimination toward churches and people of faith created the fervency to pursue a state-wide recall, one of two in the state’s history.

In Newsom’s most recent campaign of religious mockery, the California Governor placed billboard ads in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi, Florida, Ohio, and others promoting abortion. His tweet read in part “To any woman seeking an abortion in these anti-freedom states: CA will defend your right to make decisions about your health.”

The billboard partially quotes Mark 12:31: “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.”

This week, Governor Gavin Newsom signed 13 abortion bills into law this week. He has effectively made California the abortion “sanctuary” of the nation, except that sanctuary sacrifices children on the altar of humanism, globalism, and convenience.

I think the California Governor forgot to read the other 31,101 verses in the Bible. Verses like Exodus 20:13, where God commands us not to murder. Verses like Psalms 129:13, where David says that God created our inmost being and knit us together in our mother’s womb. Verses like Probers 6:17, where Solomon says that there are seven things that are detestable to God, one of which is the shedding of innocent blood.

Throughout his tenure as leader, Newsom has shown to be a danger to any moral, Biblical worldview. But, this isn’t new leadership. We’ve seen men like him throughout Scripture. Men like the Pharaoh of Egypt, who repeatedly challenged God’s authority and built an empire on enslaving and targeting communities of faith.

What can be done?

Governor Newsom will continue to use California as a breeding ground for immorality, indecency, and wickedness. As the people of God are in their own Biblical Babylon, we must understand what God instructs us to do.

In the book of Jeremiah, God tells the people of God in Babylon to seek the welfare of the nation. We too must continue our fight for a California that champions human life and morality.

Sign-waving on the freeway isn’t going to turn this state around, folks. We must pray, donate to candidates across the state, and run for office.

Newsom is a threat to morality and human decency — and it will take a bold, courageous church to stand up to that goliath.



Tanner DiBella

Chairman of the American Council, Tanner DiBella intersects faith, politics, and culture in his writings on some of today’s most pressing topics.